What on Earth are We Doing?
Imagine we were contacted by extra-terrestrials. How would we account for ourselves as a humanity? How would we explain the state of our world? The state of our hearts? The state of our minds? What would they immediately conclude about us and what we value as a species?
Upgrade for Humanity
I’m fascinated about “Life, the Universe and Everything” especially our human condition. I’m launching a Substack so I can reflect further and communicate my thoughts to a wider audience. I’m inspired to do this now because I believe we’re in an existential crisis as a humanity.
The old ways of doing things do not create the basic provisions for billions of us. To me this is crazy. The whole human endeavour is people doing things. So why don’t we do other things? Things that take us in the direction of fulfilling our potential as a humanity? We could. We don’t.
We have global systems that demand particular activities. We have unquestioned values and beliefs that drive those systems. That’s what we need to change. Both the systems and the values that perpetuate them.
This is inner and outer change. We need to have open, free, global, collaborative conversations about what’s vital to us - all of us. What really matters? Let’s talk about that.
In the infinitude of distracting noise on the interweb, there must come a resounding new song of inclusive possibility. How do we co-create a world that works for everyone. Why don’t we?
What’s In The Way?
Us. The way we do things now. Multipolar traps. Polycrises. The interconnectedness of our current dysfunctional systems. Specialisms. Corruption. Division. Distractions. The choices we’re currently making that create our world as it is. An embarrassment if you’re trying to explain it to aliens.
We can’t solve problems at the level of thinking that created them as Einstein observed. We need to keep evolving individally and collectively.
American integral philosopher, Ken Wilber says in order to self-actualise - to realize our full potential - we must each:
“Wake up, Grow up, Clean up, Open up and Show up.”
Ken Wilber
How Do We Evolve?
This means doing the work. Self-enquiry. Healing. Resolving the past. Repair. Becoming more conscious. But it doesn’t stop there. We don’t make peace with the past and leave it at that. We keep going. What’s actually possible for us as a humanity once we evolve beyond the limitations of our past conditioning? That’s what I want to discover and explore together.
Then, once we actively engage in the practices of “WuGuCuOuSu”, in our individual lives, as we interconnect in our world, we can begin to change the dysfunctional and corrupt systems that strangle our evolution and which are currently destroying our ecosystems. This is how we evolve from the inside out.
The changes are never going to come from the vested interests of those who are in positions of power who are currently profiting from the way things are. We need to change our paradigms, values and what we believe to be vital. What if we switched to “wellbeing” and the greatest good, the least harm, instead of merely “profit” and the relentless demands of economic growth above all things?
Stuck in the Mud
When I was a girl, we used to play a game called “Stuck In The Mud” where someone was “It” and they ran around tagging everyone else. If you got tagged, you then had to freeze and stand with your legs and arms apart. The other “free” players were able to free you, by crawling on their knees between the tagged player’s legs.
It’s up to us to free each other. Then when we get stuck again as we inevitably will, there will be others who can free us again in turn.
The Inner Life
I’ll be posting once a week (minimum) and would love you to engage by commenting, sharing and if you feel so moved, signing up for a paid subscription to support all of my work - not just the writing, but the workshops and on-line Forgiveness Field Masterclasses that I offer…
My next two offerings are an on line course Everyday Inner Superpwowers - five transformative practices for lifelong mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. An experiential group journey over six weeks - to evolve our “inner tech”. I’ll be writing about each of these practices over the next few posts.
The other is to help let go of the ghosts of the past: Forgive Your Ex: Forgiveness Field Masterclass. I’ll write more about why this is essential work - not just for the increase of peace in your heart and your ability to become more “unf**kwithable”, but also how your heart health will improve, your cortisol levels will decrease and you will be contributing to a world at peace. One heart at a time. Starting with yours - the only one you can really do anything about.
Join Me
I want to connect with others who share my purpose - to participate in the evolution of consciousness and culture - evoking positive, intelligent, wise, grounded, sacred, enlightened change from the inside out. No woowoo. Definitely WuGuCuOuSu though.
Whatever Next?
My next article will focus on the transformational practice of meditation as a foundation for all other inner work. If you can’t sit still for a minute without feeling distinctly uncomfortable, this is for you.
“All of humanity's problems, stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” -
Blaise Pascal
Maybe we also need to sit together, whatever our differences…